
In this village of about 250 inhabitants there is only one place to stay, La Posada de Posadas (tel & fax 02963/490250; $45-60), with modern fittings in rooms for two or three people, cooking facilities and energetic showers; rooms without cooking facilities are slightly cheaper. The owner, Pedro Fortuny, works as a regional trekking and fishing guide, while his family runs the village's best restaurant in the old hotel, specializing in Mediterranean-style food (about $15 for a main course plus wine). The village has a YPF fuel station and a public telephone. The Transporte Lago Posadas camioneta leaves for Bajo Caracoles and Perito Moreno twice a week (Tues & Thurs). Five kilometres east of Posadas, the RP41 runs north towards the Chilean border at Paso Roballos, and Los Antiguos.

Other useful information for tourists (each section contains more specific sub-sections):
