
The area between Glen Innes and INVERELL , 67km to the west, is one huge gemfield. Industrial diamonds, garnets, topaz, zircons and three-quarters of the world's sapphires are mined in the area. Inverell is also known as "Sapphire City", and at the Dejon Sapphire Centre , on the Gwydir Highway, 18km east of town, you can watch the gems being mined, washed, sorted and cut (daily 9am-5pm; mine tours 10.30am & 3pm). The showroom has a display of sapphires in 155 colours, from pale blue and green, to gold, lemon and pink. To try your own luck, you'll need to contact the tourist office on Campbell Street (Mon-Fri 9am-4pm, Sat 9am-noon; tel 02/6722 1693, ), which can direct you to the designated areas. If you want to stay over and wait for that big strike, try the Australian Hotel on Byron St (tel 02/6722 1611; $35-50), which has clean rooms with shared facilities, open fires and air conditioning, and serves counter meals; or Sapphire City Caravan Park on Moore Street (tel 02/6722 1830; cabins $35-50, on-site vans $20-35).

Other useful information for tourists (each section contains more specific sub-sections):

New South Wales,