Queenslander houses

There can hardly be a more typical image of rural Queensland than a high-set " Queenslander " surrounded by green fields of sugar cane. A response to the northern climate, these houses come in all shapes and styles but the basic design is a wooden box on piles with a verandah or balcony - the idea being to have a cool flow of air underneath the house to reduce the humidity inside. Traditional colours, now more commonly seen in cities where it's becoming popular to renovate them, are cream, red or green, while older buildings may have corrugated-iron awnings, red "bull-nosed" roofs and wooden latticework on porches and eaves. In Brisbane they're generally low-set, but tend to be raised further off the ground as you move up into the tropics - the exception to the rule is at Redcliffe, 12km north of Brisbane, where the pole houses have supports 10m high to compensate for a steep hill.

Other useful information for tourists (each section contains more specific sub-sections):
