
Westrail buses stop in the town centre, with taxis available on 08/9071 1782. The tourist bureau (Mon-Fri 8.45am-5pm, Sat & Sun 9am-5pm; tel 08/9071 2330), in the Museum Village on Dempster Street, provides detailed town maps and takes care of bookings for local tours and onward travel. The post office is on the corner of Dempster and Andrew streets, with a shopping centre up Andrew Street, over the roundabout. CALM (tel 08/9071 3733), at 92 Dempster St, provides information and passes to the national parks around Esperance. Bicycles are rented out along The Esplanade from Wilds Jet Ski Hire (Dec-March daily 8.30am-5pm; $12-15 per day; jet ski $1 per min), with a tattier but cheaper selection of cycles at the Captain Huon Motel . For inexpensive car rental , ask at the YHA or backpackers' accommodation. The Diving Academy, 56 The Esplanade (tel 08/9071 5111), takes care of dive charters and courses, while Vacation Country Tours (tel 08/9071 2227) offers half-day tours to Cape Le Grand, and Safari Wheels (tel 08/9071 1564) deals with the more active pursuits along the coast. Both hostels have 4WDs for making informal runs along the coast if there's enough in-house interest.

Other useful information for tourists (each section contains more specific sub-sections):

Western Australia,