Gay and lesbian Brussels

Brussels often seems to be lagging a good decade behind the times on gay politics - the city's first gay and lesbian pride event wasn't held until 1996. However, though Brussels can hardly be described as a gay capital like Amsterdam, the actual gay scene is reasonably well-developed, with a decent selection of gay bars, clubs and restaurants.

The area just south of the Bourse remains the centre of the action, particularly in the triangle between rue des Pierres, rue du MarchAİ au Charbon, and rue St GAİry, which is the closest the capital has to a designated gay quarter. Although many bars in this area aren't specifically gay, no one will bat an eyelid if a gay couple walks in. Gay venues have also been establishing themselves in the Ste Catherine district and around rue des Bouchers, close to place de la Monnaie. The lesbian scene , however, continues to remain cloistered. Although a few venues welcome both gays and lesbians equally, there are very few lesbian-only nightspots in the city.

Listings of gay and lesbian events, and a number of useful addresses, can be obtained from Tels Quels, who also organize events such as the Gay and Lesbian Film Festival held every January at the Botanique. Queensize , a publication readily available in most bars, lists gay bars, shops and services in most major Belgian cities; email for more details. An informative English-language website for listings is .

The city's many gay associations include A?galitAİ (tel 02 295 98 87) which, as its name suggests, has a political slant and lobbies the powers that be for equal rights for gays and lesbians, whereas Infor Homo (tel 02 733 10 24), and the student equivalent Cercle Homosexuel Aİtudiant (tel 02 650 25 40), both organize regular nights out and gay activity programmes. There are actually more lesbian associations in Brussels than there are lesbian venues - the most popular ones being Amazing Grace (tel 02 218 36 51) and Attirent d'Elles (tel 02 512 45 87).

Many gay associations in Brussels direct their energies towards educating people about Aids and providing support for victims of the disease. The most high-profile ones are Aide Info Sida (tel 02 514 29 65) and Act Up (tel 02 512 02 02), which also aims to change government policies towards Aids. Act Together at rue d'Artois 5 (tel 02 512 05 05) provides support for families of victims, and has an English-speaking helpline.

The age of consent for gay men and women is 16.

Other useful information for tourists (each section contains more specific sub-sections):
