
Walking in Belize City in daylight is perfectly safe if you observe common-sense rules. The introduction of specially trained tourism police (tel 227-2222 ext 401) in 1995, coupled with the legal requirement for all tour guides to be licensed, has driven away the hustlers and reduced street crime considerably. You'll soon learn to spot dangerous situations, and in the city centre you can always ask the tourism police for advice or directions. They're instantly recognizable by their baseball caps emblazoned with "TOURISM POLICE" and green T-shirts or uniforms - they'll even walk you back to your hotel if it's near their patrol route. That said, it's still sensible to proceed with caution: most people are friendly and chatty, but quite a few may want to sell you drugs or bum a dollar or two. The best advice is to stay cool. Be civil, don't provoke trouble by arguing too forcefully, and never show large sums of money on the street. Women wearing short shorts or skirts will attract verbal abuse from local studs.

The virtual absence of nightlife outside the more expensive hotel bars means there's little reason to walk the streets after dark . If you do venture out at night bear in mind that anyone walking alone is in danger of being mugged; it's better to take a taxi.

Other useful information for tourists (each section contains more specific sub-sections):

Belize City