
The municipal BELOTUR organization is very knowledgeable about the city and the rest of the state, and publishes a useful, free monthly guide-booklet, the Guia Turistica, which contains a good map. You'll find it in the city's better hotels and in the tourist offices at Rua Pernambuco 284 (Mon-Fri 8am-6pm); Mercado das Flores (Parque Municipal), at the corner of Rua da Bahia and Av. Afonso Pena (Mon-Fri 8am-7pm, Sat & Sun 8am-3pm); Tancredo Neves (Confins) airport (daily 8am-10pm); Pampulha airport (daily 8am-10pm); and the Rodoviaria (Mon-Fri 8am-8pm, Sat & Sun 8am-4pm). BELOTUR also has a phone number for specific queries: tel 031/3220-1310. The Minas Gerais state tourist office, TURMINAS, is constantly on the verge of being closed down, but is currently at Praca da Liberdade, Av. Bias Fortes 50 (Mon-Fri 9am-6pm; tel 031/3212-2134), and is worth a visit for help planning routes in the interior.

For up-to-date listings , the Estado de Minas newspaper features a daily Espetaculo section, listing ongoing events in the city and previewing new shows. By far the most comprehensive information source, however, with detailed reviews of restaurants, films, theatre and nightlife of all sorts, is the Roteiro Cultural supplement of the free Pampulha paper, published every Saturday and generally available in the city's hotels.

Other useful information for tourists (each section contains more specific sub-sections):

Belo Horizonte