Arrival and information

The RodoviA?ria (tel 067/255-1606) is located up Rua Vicente Jacques, several blocks and a ten-minute walk from the main street Rua Cel. Pilad RebuA?, where many of the town's hotels and most of its tour operators are located. Here you'll find the SETUMA tourist information office at no. 1961 (tel 067/255-1351, Alternatively, the English-speaking Linha Direta con a Natureza ("Direct Line to Nature"; tel 067/255-1850) is a useful source of information and can make bookings for local tours.

Taxis are an easy way of getting about Bonito and its outlying areas, and there are several taxi points in town; Ponto Taxi, Rua Monte Castelo 824 (tel 067/255-1760), charges $3-5 a ride in and around town. A cheaper alternative, particularly if you're travelling alone, is taking a mototaxi (motorbike taxi; 50-75A? a ride).

Daily Cruzeiro do Sul buses connect Bonito with Campo Grande, CorumbA?, Dourados and Ponta PorA?; nevertheless, you'll need to stay two nights if you want to include even one trip to the caves or rivers (organized tours generally leave around 7.30am), though there's so many possible day and half-day trips in the area that most people stay longer.

Other useful information for tourists (each section contains more specific sub-sections):
