
Airlines Transbrasil, Av. Presidente Pessoa 2055 (tel 083/244-8544 or 244-5900); Varig, Av. Presidente Pessoa 1251 (tel 083/244-8383, 244-8300 or 232-1515); VASP, Parque Solon de Lucena 530, Centro (tel 083/241-7114 or 232-2570).

Banks and exchange You can change money and travellers' cheques at Cambio Turismo, which has branches at Rua Visconde de Pelotas 54 in the city centre (Mon-Fri), and in the shopping centre on Tambau beach (Mon-Sat).

Car rental Localiza, at Av. Epitacio Pessoa 4910 (tel 083/247-4030) or at the airport (tel 0800-992-000); A.L.A., Av. Nego 71, Tambau (tel & fax 083/247-5470 or 982-3583).

Post office The main office is on Praca Pedro Americo, two blocks downhill from Praca Joao Pessoa.

Taxis Disk taxi (tel 083/223-1700); Teletaxi (tel 083/241-6500).

Telephones Domestic and international calls are easiest with a phonecard from any of the phonepoints around town, though marginally cheaper from the TELPA building, off Rua Visconde de Pelotas in the centre (daily 8am-10pm).

Travel and tour companies Roger Turismo, Av. Almirante Tamandare 229, Tambau (tel 083/247-1856, fax 247-1533,, offer a full range of tours and travel services. Sem Fronteiras, Av. Nossa Senhora dos Navegantes 521, Loja 208, Tambau (tel 083/247-3311, fax 247-5352,, is an innovative eco-adventure tour company offering expeditions to a number of out-of-the-way places in their 4WD vehicles. Dune-buggy trips can be booked through either Oswaldo (tel 083/962-0962) or Evandro (tel 083/984-7073).

Other useful information for tourists (each section contains more specific sub-sections):

Joao Pessoa