
Airlines Penta, Rua Barroso 352 (tel 092/234-1046) and at the airport (tel 092/652-1161 or 633-8989), covering the eastern Amazon; Tavaj, at the airport (tel 092/652-1483 or 621-1214); Transbrasil, Rua Guilherme Moreira 150 (tel 092/652-1346 or 622-3738); Varig, Rua MarcA­lio Dias 284 (tel 092/622-3161 or 652-1551); and VASP, Av. Sete de Setembro 993 (tel 092/652-1448 or 0800-998-277).

Air taxis Cruzeiro (tel 092/651-3571); Girassol (tel 092/651-1959); Rico (tel 092/621-1164).

Banks and exchange CA?mbio e Turismo Cortez (Mon-Fri 9am-5pm, Sat 9am-12.30pm), at the corner of Av. GetA?lio Vargas and Av. Sete de Setembro, has good rates and a fast service for both cash and travellers' cheques, unlike the Banco do Brasil, Rua Guilherme Moreira 315.

Boats There are regular passenger boat services to: BelAİm, SantarAİm and all ports along the Rio Amazonas; along the Rio SolimAµes to Tabatinga; and up the Rio Madeira to Porto Velho. Less frequent services go up the Rio Negro to SA?o Gabriel da Cachoeira and up the Rio Branco to CaracaraA­. Tickets for the regular services can be bought from the ticket windows inside the port building off PraA§a da Matriz. Before buying your ticket, ask for a paper pass ( papel do permissA?o) which allows you into the docks (you'll need your passport, too) where the bigger, long-distance river boats are moored; here you can have a look at the boats before deciding which you want to travel on. It's sensible to buy tickets in advance, for which you can often get a reasonable discount, and always get on your boat a good two hours or more before it's due to depart. Standard boats from Manaus to BelAİm can cost anything from $40 to $80 and take three to five days, often stopping off in SantarAİm. Smaller boats with no regular schedules, and those serving local settlements up the Rio Negro, are found to the east of the Mercado Municipal. They usually display signs with their destinations marked up. The main ENASA ticket office is at Rua Marechal Deodoro 61 (tel 092/633-3280, fax 633-3093).

Car rental Avis (tel 092/652-1579 or 234-4440); Interlocadora (tel 092/233-5213); Rede Brasil, Av. Constantino Nery 572 (tel 092/233-6473); Unidas (tel 092/652-1575 or 651-2558).

Consulates Bolivia, Rua Fortaleza 80, AdrianA?polis (tel 092/232-0077); Colombia, Rua D. LibA?nia 62 (tel 092/234-6777); Peru, Rua A - C/19 - Conj. Aristocratico, Chapada (tel 092/656-3267 or 656-1015); USA, Rua Recife 1010 - CCI - AdrianA?polis (tel 092/234-4546); Venezuela, Rua Ferreira Pena 179 (tel 092/233-6004).

FUNAI Av. Joaquim Nabuco 294 (tel 092/633-3132 or 233-7103). This is where you'll need to get authorization (rarely given) to visit any Indian reserves.

Health matters The main state hospital is Hospital dos Acidentados, Av. Joaquim Nabuco 1775 (tel 092/633-2200). For an ambulance call 192.

Internet Discover Internet, Rua MarcA­lio Dias 320, Loja 7 (tel 092/233-0121); Internext, EdifA­cio Rio Negro Centre, Rua 24 de Maio 219 (tel 092/633-4409), with another office at Amazonas Shopping (see "Shopping").

Laundry Lavalux, Rua Mundurucus 77 (tel 092/234-0466); Amazonas, Rua Costa Azevedo 63; Super RA?pida, Rua ParaA­ba 1.

Police tel 190.

Post office The main one, with a reliable poste restante service (first floor), is just off the PraA§a da Matriz on Rua Marechal Deodoro at the corner with Rua Teodoreto Souto (Mon-Fri 9am-5pm, Sat 8am-noon).

Shopping Artesanato is available from the Museu do A?ndio; Artesanato da AmazA?nia, near the Opera House on Rua JosAİ Clemente 500; the craft shop at Rua JosAİ Clemente 632; and Casa do Beija-Flor (House of the Hummingbird), Rua JosAİ Clemente 632. ArtA­ndia, in the pink pavilion on PraA§a Adalberto Valle, is more central but expensive. Indian crafts are also sold at the Mercado Municipal. Interesting macumba and umbanda items, such as incense, candles, figurines and bongos, can be found at Cabana SA?o Jorge at Rua da InstalaA§A?o 36. Duty-free electronic and all kinds of other luxury items can be bought everywhere in the centre. The most modern shopping centre is Amazonas Shopping, on the airport road, 4-5km from the centre by taxi or bus #306, with hundreds of shops and cafAİs, plus 6 cinemas. A good hammock shop is Casa des Redes on Rua dos Andradas. For photographic film and developing, try Foto Nascimento, Av. Sete de Setembro 1194.

Taxis Amazonas (tel 092/232-3005); RA?dio TA?xi (tel 092/633-3211); Tocantins (tel 092/656-1330).

Telephones National and international calls can be made with phonecards in public booths around the city; alternatively, the Telamazon office is on Av. GetA?lio Vargas, close to the junction with Rua Ramos Ferreira.

Other useful information for tourists (each section contains more specific sub-sections):
