
There are tourist information posts at the airport (Mon-Fri 7am-11pm; tel 084/743-1811) and the RodoviA?ria (daily 7am-11pm; tel 084/205-4372); both have good free maps of the city and can organize accommodation for you. The main headquarters of the state's tourism secretariat is inconveniently located at the Centro de ConvenA§Aµes, on the Via Costeira on the way to Ponta Negra. You're better off trying the Centro de Turismo (Mon-Fri 7am-11pm; tel 084/211-6149) in the old prison, perched on top of a hill at Rua Aderbal de Figueiredo 980 in PetrA?polis, where there are beautiful views of the beaches and city. There is also an information booth (Mon-Sat 8am-6pm; tel 084/202-5652) on Avenida Presidente CafA© Filho, at Praia dos Artistas, though it's not always functioning. Alternatively, you can ring the tourist hotline (tel 084/219-4226) where you may find someone who speaks English. For information on events and films, your best bet is the Fim de Semana section of Friday's Tribuna do Norte newspaper.

If you want to take a tour to Fernando de Noronha, the Reis Magos Viagems e Turismo, at Avenida Sen. Salgado Filho 1799 (tel 084/206-5888, fax 296-6628) has information on and organizes trips out to this amazing archipelago.

Other useful information for tourists (each section contains more specific sub-sections):
