
Tourist information is not Recife's strong point, and what there is is directed mainly at the upper end of the market. The state tourist office, EMPETUR, runs a 24-hour information post at the airport (tel 081/3341-5707), where you may find English-speaking staff and a few maps and calendars of events. They'll also ring hotels for you, but are no good for the cheapest places. EMPETUR has its headquarters inconveniently located at the Centro de Convencoes (Mon-Fri 9am-6pm; tel 081/3241-2111, ext 2174), an ugly concrete building more or less en route between Recife and Olinda. In Boa Viagem , there is a Delegacia do Turista at Rua dos Navegantes 1003 (tel 081/3326-9603), which is open 24 hours a day and can help with accommodation at the beach. Alternatively, there's the tourist hotline : just ring 1516 (Mon-Fri 8am-6pm) and you should be able to find someone who speaks English.

For up-to-date listings of events in and around Recife, try the Roteiro section of the daily Jornal do Comercio, or the Viver section of the Diario de Pernambuco, also daily. Alternatively, the Agenda Cultural do Recife is a useful guide to museums and theatre, dance, music and photography events, and is available from the Casa da Cultura or online at

Other useful information for tourists (each section contains more specific sub-sections):
