
There are three official tourist agencies in the city, none of them particularly efficient. Information about Rio itself is from Riotur , which distributes maps and brochures and has a helpful English-speaking telephone information service AlA? Rio (tel 021/542-8080; daily 8am-8pm). Riotur's main office is in Centro at Rua da AssemblAŠia 10 (Mon-Fri 9am-6pm; tel 021/217-7575), and it also has a branch in Copacabana at Av. Princesa Isabel 18 (daily 8am-8pm). Most of Riotur's information can also be picked up at their booths at the RodoviA?ria (6am-midnight) and GaleA?o and Santos Dumont airports (6am-midnight). Information about the state of Rio is available from TurisRio , at Rua da AssemblAŠia 10 (tel 021/215-0011); and the most basic information about the rest of Brazil from EMBRATUR , also in Centro at Rua Uruguaina 174 (Mon-Fri 9am-6pm; tel 021/509-6017).

Note that if you're going to stay in Brazil for over six months, you are obliged to register at the Registro de Estrangeiros, PolA­cia Federal, Av. Venezuela 2 (Mon-Fri 11am-4pm; tel 021/263-3747).

Other useful information for tourists (each section contains more specific sub-sections):

Rio De Janeiro