Avoiding trouble in SA?o Paulo

Assaults and robberies are favourite topics of conversation amongst Paulistanos, with the city's crime statistics now consistently higher than those of Rio. Nevertheless, by using a little common sense you're unlikely to encounter any real problems. With such a mixture of people in SA?o Paulo, you're far less likely to be assumed to be a foreigner than in most parts of Brazil, and therefore won't make such an obvious target for pickpockets and other petty thieves .

At night, though, pay particular attention around the central red-light district of Luz , location of the city's main train stations and - though not as bad - around PraA§a da RepA?blica . Also take special care late at night in Bixiga (Bela Vista), or if you venture into PraA§a Roosevelt . Always carry at least some money in an immediately accessible place so that, if you are accosted by a mugger , you can quickly hand something over before he starts getting angry or panicky. If in any doubt at all about visiting an area you don't know, don't hesitate to take a taxi.

Other useful information for tourists (each section contains more specific sub-sections):

Sao Paulo