
Airlines Rio Sul/Nordeste, Rua Eugenio Neto 68, Praia do Canto (tel 027/227-1588 or 327-0304); TAM, Airport (tel 027/324-1045); Transbrasil, Rua Jose Teixeira 300, Praia do Canto (tel 027/225-3922 or 327-0308); Varig, Av. Jeronimo Monteiro 1000, ground floor, Centro (tel 027/222-2322 or 327-0894); Vasp, Rua Sampiao 40, Praia do Canto (tel 027/324-1529 or 327-0296).

Banks and exchange There's a Banco do Brasil on Av. Princesa Isabel, right in the middle of the banking district, but you can also change dollars (cash) at the Agencia Esplanada, Av. Princesa Isabel 250, or the Agencia Vila Velha at Av. Champagnat 1077. ATMs are found throughout the city.

Bookshops The best are A Edicao, Rua Nestor Gomes 214, Centro; and Livraria da Ilha, Shopping Vitoria (2nd floor).

Car rental All are based at the airport: Avis (tel 027/200-3999); Localiza (tel 027/327-0211); Unidas (tel 027/327-0180).

Health matters 24-hour health care by Pronto Socorro do Coracao, Av. Leitao da Silva 2351, Santa Lucia (tel 027/227-4833).

Police The tourist police station (open 24hr) is at Rua Joao Carlos de Souza 730, Barro Vermelho.

Post office There are several post offices throughout the city, including at Praca 8 de Setember and Rua Presidente Pedreira in the centre.

Shopping A good range of handicrafts are available at Artesanato Brasil at Praca Costa Pereira 226, Centro (Mon-Fri 8am-6pm), and at Mercado Capixaba de Artesanato at Av. Princesa Isabel 251, Centro (Mon-Fri 8.30am-6.30pm & Sat 8.30am-1pm). Shopping Vitoria, at Av. Nossa Senhora dos Navegantes 1440, Enseada do Sua, is the largest shopping centre in the state.

Taxis Coopertaxi (tel 027/336-5588); Radiotaxi (tel 027/200-2300); Disk-Taxi (tel 027/200-4066).

Trains The Estacao Ferroviaria Pedro Nolasco is just over the bridge from the Rodoviaria in Cariacica (enquiries on tel 027/226-4169). There are daily services to Belo Horizonte at 6.30am, taking just over 14hr. Tickets are daily sold 5am-7pm.

Other useful information for tourists (each section contains more specific sub-sections):
