Eating and drinking

Plovdiv is full of kiosks and cafAŠs selling coffee, hamburgeri , sandwiches and other snack food , especially along Otets Paisii and Knyaz AleksandA?r I, where you'll also find a McDonald's (the first to open in Bulgaria) at no. 42, and a KFC at no. 48. For fresh fruit and veg, there's an outdoor market , known as the Polnedelnik pazar, on pl. VA?zrazhdane, to the east of Otets Paisii, and a larger one near the junction of bulevards Ruski and 6 Septemvri, west of pl. SA?edinenie.

The choice for evening meals is equally wide. Some of the most stylish places are in the National Revival-style houses of Old Plovdiv. They are expensive by native standards, but still affordable to most visitors, if you don't mind splashing out US$10-20 for a first-class meal. The food at the Hotel Trimontium Princess is fair though unremarkable, while its sombre restaurant looks more like the venue for a politburo reception than the dining room of a luxury hotel. Standards (and prices) at the Novotel are far higher.

Other useful information for tourists (each section contains more specific sub-sections):
