
If you need accommodation , try the central Quality Inn of the Rockies , 300 Wallinger Ave (tel 427-2266 or 1-800/661-7559; $60-80), or the smaller North Star Motel (tel 427-5633 or 1-800/663-5508; $40-60) at the northern edge of town: for an extra $5 you can have access to a kitchen. Same Sun International Travel Hostel is a new hostel on the Platz (tel 427-7191; up to $40) with dormitory accommodation. The nearest campsite , the inevitably named Happy Hans Riverside RV Resort (tel 427-2929; $18-28; May-Oct), is south of the town centre on St Mary's Road and has modern facilities. Drop into the twee but excellent Chef Bernard cafAŠ and restaurant opposite the clock, where the owner - heartily sick of Bavaria - often plays Irish fiddle music as a mark of defiance. He's also one of the best local chefs, and people come from miles for his fondue evenings. He has rooms upstairs (tel 427-2433; $40-60). A favourite cheap place for lunch and breakfast is Our Place , 290 Spokane St, just down from the post office on the main crossroads. For more refined culinary offerings, make for Pepper's , 490 Wallinger Ave, a chicken, ribs and pasta place a couple of minutes' walk from the main plaza. Further afield is the Old Barn House , about fifteen-minutes' walk or a short drive from the town centre towards the ski area. For full details of Kimberley's many summer events, call in on the infocentre (daily: June-Sept 9am-7pm; Oct-May 9am-5pm; tel 427-3666) presently at 350 Ross St, just off the main crossroads past the Quality Inn - but it is due to move soon. The key draw is Julyfest , which includes a one-week beer festival and - almost inevitably - an international accordion championship.

Other useful information for tourists (each section contains more specific sub-sections):

British Columbia,