Nightlife and entertainment

Nocturnal diversions in Victoria are tame compared to Vancouver's, but there's more to the town than its tearooms and chintzy shops initially suggest. Highbrow tastes are surprisingly well catered for, and there's a smattering of live music venues and discos to keep you happy for the limited time you're likely to spend in the city. Jazz is particularly popular - for information on the city's jazz underground, contact the Victoria Jazz Society, 250-727 Johnson St (tel 388-4423).

Listings appear in the main daily newspaper, the Times-Colonist and in a variety of free magazines you can pick up in shops, cafes and hotels. Tickets for most offerings are available from the city's main performance space, the McPherson Playhouse, 3 Centennial Square, Pandora Avenue and Government Street (tel 386-6121).

Other useful information for tourists (each section contains more specific sub-sections):

British Columbia,