
Winnipeg airport is some 7km west of the city centre. There's a tourist information desk inside the airport concourse at the north end of the main level (daily 8am-9.45pm; tel 774-0031 or 1-800/665-0204, fax 788-0245), which has a good range of leaflets on the city and its principal attractions, along with accommodation listings. Close by, a display board advertising the city's grander hotels is attached to a free phone for on-the-spot hotel reservations. From outside the terminal building, Winnipeg Transit bus #15 (daily: every 20-30min 6.15am-12.45am; flat fare $1.60) runs downtown, dropping passengers at or near most of the larger hotels; tickets are bought from the driver. Taxis charge around $10-14 for the same journey, but are cheaper if you're prepared to share; limos cost $20-30 per person, $11 shared.

The Mall Centre bus station is on the west side of the downtown area at Portage Avenue and Memorial Boulevard (daily 6.30am-midnight). Union Station , the city's train station , is on Main Street, just south of Portage, and has connecting trains to Churchill, Toronto and Saskatoon for Vancouver.

Other useful information for tourists (each section contains more specific sub-sections):
