Tours in and around Winnipeg

Bus and boat tours of the city leave from the dock beside Provencher Bridge at The Forks . There are walking tours of the Exchange District from Old Market Square (May-Aug hourly except Mon 10am-3pm; 1hr 30min; $5; tel 942-6716), guided walks around local art galleries from Winnipeg Art Gallery (July & Aug Wed, Thurs & Sat; $4.95; tel 786-6641) and Selkirk Avenue in the North End (June-Aug Tues-Sat 10am & 2pm; free; 1hr; tel 586-3445 or 586-2720). Horse-drawn wagons are available to take you around St Boniface, the French quarter (June-Aug; tel 235-1406). Wild-Wise Wilderness Adventures (tel 788-1070, fax 788-1001) organizes historical canoe excursions for groups of ten people, where you paddle along the Red and Assiniboine rivers in the spirit of the pioneer voyageur guides and fur traders.

Companies operating half-day, day-, overnight and week-long tours out of Winnipeg include Anishinabe Camp and Cultural Tours (May-Sept; tel 925-2030, fax 725-2127) to Riding Mountain National Park, for aboriginal culture, sleeping in tepees and participating in traditional ceremonies and powwow dancing; Aurora Canada Tours (Nov-April; tel & fax 942-8140), for one-day to two-week tours observing bird and plant life, and viewing the Northern Lights; The Great Gray Owl Wilderness Adventure Camp (tel 237-LAKE or tel 1-800/565-2595) for ecologically sound trips to Atikaki Wilderness Provincial Park; Canadian Trails Adventure Tours (year-round; tel 1-800/668-BIKE) for bicycle tours; B&B Scuba (tel 257-3696 or 1-888/257-3696) for week-long scuba diving tours that include snorkelling with beluga whales; Frog in the Pocket (tel 885-0344) for eco-tours on the natural and cultural history of Manitoba, with visits to boreal forests and other ecosystems; and Akeesha Dove (May-Oct; tel 339-1154), for a visit to the Spirit Sands "desert"

Other useful information for tourists (each section contains more specific sub-sections):
