Orientation and city transport

Winnipeg's main north-south artery is Main Street , which runs roughly parallel to the adjacent Red River. The principal east-west drag is Portage Avenue , which begins at its junction with Main. The downtown core falls on either side of Portage, beginning at Main and ending at Memorial Boulevard; it's bounded by Broadway to the south and Logan Avenue to the north. A twenty-minute stroll takes you from end to end, whilst the suburbs and the more outlying attractions are easy to reach by bus .

Winnipeg Transit has an excellent range of citywide services (flat fare $1.60 per journey), with tickets and transfers for trips involving more than one bus available from the driver - exact fare only. The Transit Service Centre , in the underground concourse at Portage and Main (Mon-Fri 8.15am-4.45pm) - in a hard to find location in the Scotiabank concourse - sells a book of ten tickets for $15.50, a five-day weekday pass ($14) and a seven-day pass, valid Mon-Sun ($15.50). Free route maps are available here, as well as at the tourist offices, and details of services are printed at the back of the Winnipeg telephone directory. There's also a Transit Service Booth (Mon-Thurs 10am-6pm, Fri & Sat 10am-5pm, Sun 1-5pm) in the foyer of the Winnipeg Centennial Library, 251 Donald St. If you want to cover a lot of the downtown attractions in a short space of time, you'll find the #99 Downtown Flyer Service handy. It's a free service whereby you can get on or off at 22 bus stops in an area bounded roughly by Portage Avenue, Memorial Boulevard, Broadway, Pioneer Boulevard (for The Forks) and Main Street (service Mon-Fri 11am-3.30pm, Sat 11am-5pm, Sun noon-5pm). Bike rental is available at the youth hostel .

Winnipeg also has a transport information service (Mon-Sat 6am-10pm, Sun 6.30am-10pm; tel 986-5700) and a Handi-Transit door-to-door minibus facility for disabled visitors (Mon-Fri 6.30am-midnight, Sat 7.30am-midnight, Sun 8.30am-10pm; information on tel 986-5722).

Other useful information for tourists (each section contains more specific sub-sections):
