
Lunenburg tourist office (May-Oct daily 9am-8pm; tel 634-3656) occupies an imitation lighthouse on Blockhouse Hill Road, above the hilly gridiron that comprises the town centre. It operates a free room-reservation service, has a book with illustrations of local accommodation, and supplies a leaflet detailing the town's architectural highlights - though their $7 guidebook is far more interesting and informative. Many of the town's historic houses have been turned into first-class inns and B&Bs . Pick of the bunch are the delightful shingle-clad 1826 Maplebird House B&B , 36 Pelham St (tel 634-3863 or 1-888/395-3863; $60-80), with its outside pool, garden and patio area overlooking the harbour; the beautifully maintained Hillcroft Guest House , 53 Montague St (tel 634-8031; $60-80; May-Dec); the grand Victorian Bluenose Lodge , a couple of minutes' walk from the central gridiron at Dufferin Street and Falkland Avenue (tel & fax 634-8851 or 1-800/565-8851; $60-80); and the salmon-pink Kaulbach House Inn , an ornate villa at 75 Pelham St (tel 1-800/568-8818, fax 634-8818; $60-80; mid-March to mid-Dec). The municipal campsite (tel 634-8100; May-Oct) is next door to the tourist office.

Eating places abound in the centre. The moderately priced Magnolia's Grill , just off the waterfront at 128 Montague St, is a small cafe with a good atmosphere and tasty snacks, while the Hillcroft Cafe , 53 Montague St (April-Nov), offers delicious meals from a wide-ranging and imaginative menu. If you're crying out for lobster or seafood generally, there's no better place than Lunenburg: both the Grand Banker Seafood Bar & Grill (tel 634-3300; year-round), by the harbour on Montague Street, and the Old Fish Factory Restaurant (tel 634-3333; May-Oct), next to the museum, serve a splendid range of mouthwatering seafood dishes. The other local culinary delights are the Lunenburg sausage , traditionally served at breakfast, which is made of lean pork and beef, flavoured with coriander and allspice, and the Solomon Gundy , marinated herring with sour cream or occasionally mustard.

Other useful information for tourists (each section contains more specific sub-sections):

Nova Scotia,