Arrival and information

Trains from Toronto, Ottawa and MontrAŠal terminate at the VIA Rail station on Hwy 2, 7km northwest of the city at the junction of Princess and Counter streets; Kingston Transit bus #4 (hourly) goes into downtown. The terminus for Voyageur long-distance buses is on the corner of Division and Counter streets about 6km to the north of the city centre; Kingston Transit bus #2 (hourly) goes downtown. Kingston Transit's local bus information line is tel 613/546-1181; for a taxi , call Amey's Taxi (tel 613/546-1111). Maps and information can be picked up at the tourist office , 209 Ontario St (June-Aug daily 9am-8pm; May & Sept-April daily 9am-5pm; Oct-April Mon-Fri 9am-5pm, Sat & Sun 10am-1pm; tel 613/548-4415 or 1-888/855-4555, ), right in the centre, by the waterfront and opposite City Hall. They will help arrange accommodation and issue free parking passes for downtown car parks.

Other useful information for tourists (each section contains more specific sub-sections):
