Gay MontrAŠal

MontrAŠal has an excellent gay scene, with the action concentrated in the area known as The Village - roughly located on rue Ste-Catherine est between rue Amherst and the Papineau MAŠtro station. Two English information lines provide up-to-date news on the latest events in the city: Gay-Info (24hr recorded message; tel 252-4429) is bilingual, Gayline (daily 7-11pm; tel 866-5090 or 1-888/505-1010) is in English and doubles as a helpline. Gai-A?coute (tel 521-1508) provides a similar service to French-speakers. For contacts, L'Androgyne, 3636 boul St-Laurent, is a gay and lesbian bookshop, and Priape, 1311 rue Ste-Catherine est, is a Village-based sex shop and clothing store that sells tickets to most events. Fugues is the city's monthly French gay and lesbian magazine (there's usually a small English section hidden among the ads and pictures). In early August Divers/CitAŠ , the gay and lesbian pride parade, is the event of the year.

Other useful information for tourists (each section contains more specific sub-sections):
