La Malbaie

Highways 362 and 138 converge about 50km from Baie-Saint-Paul, at LA MALBAIE - "Bad Bay", so called because Champlain ran aground here in 1608. Situated at the mouth of the Malbaie River, the town sprawls along the riverfront with little to detain you, though the tourist office , beside the main road at 630 boul de ComportAŠ (daily: mid-June to Sept 9am-9pm; Oct to mid-June 9am-5pm), has a full range of regional tourist info; the bus arrives nearby at DAŠpanneur Otis, 46 rue Ste-Catherine (tel 665-2264). Motel Murray Bay , 40 rue Laure-Conan (tel 665-2441; $40-60), is a simple accommodation option, although half a dozen of the town's fifteen or so B&Bs are in the same price range, including GAŽte E.T. Harvey (tel 665-2779; $40-60) and La Maison Dufour-Bouchard (tel 665-4982; $40-60) on the same street at nos. 19 and 18. If you have the equipment, head for Charlevoix's oldest and most beautifully situated campsite , Camping Chutes Fraser , 500 chemin de la VallAŠe (tel 665-2151; sites $16 for four persons; mid-May to mid-Oct), by the falls of the same name about 3km north from La Malbaie.

Now a part of La Malbaie - back along Hwy 362 - is the ritzy resort of POINTE-AU-PIC , where you'll find the luxurious chateau-like pile that is Le Manoir Richelieu , 181 rue Richelieu (tel 665-3703 or 1-800/441-1414, ; $175-240). Originally built in 1899 for the Richelieu and Ontario Navigation Company, who ferried tourists here from New York and MontrAŠal, the hotel was rebuilt after a fire in the 1920s, and has been recently renovated. It makes for a delightful overnight stay - and you can wager the rest of your travel budget at the Casino de Charlevoix next door. Many manor houses in Pointe-au-Pic have been converted into delightful if pricey country inns - the Auberge des 3 Canards , 49 CA?te Bellevue (tel 665-3761 or 1-800/461-3761, ; $125-175), is an inn with one of the finest restaurants in QuAŠbec, and prices to match. B&B s are pricier than average as well, but the Victorian GAŽte Harrop's , 400 rue Richelieu (tel 665-4120, ; $60-80), compensates with gardens overlooking the St Lawrence.

Recently amalgamated with La Malbaie, Cap-A -l'Aigle , an agricultural village to the east, has an excellent B&B - Claire Villeneuve , at 215 rue St-RaphaAĢl (tel 665-2288; $40-60) - that's one of the best examples of QuAŠbAŠcois rural architecture.

Other useful information for tourists (each section contains more specific sub-sections):

La Malbaie