
Airlines CAAC, 143 Zhongshan Lu (Mon-Sat 7.30am-4.30pm; tel 0411/6665558). The new Friendship Store, Renmin Lu, also has an airline booking office.

Banks and exchange The Bank of China is at 9 Zhongshan Square (Mon-Fri 8am-noon & 2-4.30pm). Outside office hours you can change money and travellers' cheques at the Dalian Binguan opposite. The new Friendship Store on Renmin Lu also has a money exchange.

Buses There are two long-distance bus stations: one at the terminus of bus #201 from the train station, the other on Zhongshan Lu. Buses leave between 5am and 9am, and tickets can be bought the night before to avoid queues. A private bus company also runs services from opposite the CITS building. They are cheaper, but their vehicles are also smaller and older.

Ferries A ferry service runs to Shanghai, Yantai and Qingdao. It's cheaper than the train, and the ferry to Qingdao and Yantai is faster than by rail. Tickets can be bought in advance from the passenger ferry terminal on Yimin Jie in the northeast of the city. CITS will only book first- and second-class tickets, but third class is comfortable enough and worth considering.

Post office and telecommunications The post office (Mon-Sat 8am-6pm) is next to the main train station, and there's a 24hr telecommunications office next door.

PSB Centrally located right on Zhongshan Square.

Trains Tickets are easy to buy at the main train station, located north of Shengli Square. The ticket windows are on the ground floor, outside and to the left of the station's main entrance.

Travel agents The CITS office (daily 8.30-11.30am & 1pm-4.30pm), on the fourth floor at 1 Changtong Jie (tel 0411/3687868, fax 3637631), will book tickets for onward travel.

Other useful information for tourists (each section contains more specific sub-sections):
