Eating and drinking

Guilin's restaurants are famous for serving exotica, with palm civets, turtles, snakes and rare birds openly displayed in cages outside many establishments. Fortunately, you can eat well here without devouring endangered species. Food is of good quality though prices can be steep - at least A?50 per person in a proper restaurant - and it's essential to check them before ordering. Far cheaper are the mass of nondescript, clean places for sandpots (an individual portion of rice steamed in an earthenware casserole with vegetables and meat), dumplings, stir-fries, roast and braised meats throughout the centre, especially around the bus and train stations on Zhongshan Lu; some of these go as far as offering pigeon and pheasant. Most larger establishments have English menus and open around 11am-2pm, and 5.30pm-late.

Other useful information for tourists (each section contains more specific sub-sections):
