
Luogang airport is about 7km due south of the city, connected by an airport bus to the CAAC office on Huizhou Lu (daily 8am-10pm; tel 0551/2886626, fax 2885553). The new train station is 3km northeast of the centre at the northeastern end of Shengli Lu - take bus #119 into town - where ticket office and touts compete for destinations as far afield as Shanghai, Guangzhou, Chengdu, Xiamen and Beijing. Closer in along Shengli Lu, Hefei's chaotic clutch of bus and minibus depots handle short-range and long-distance traffic from all over the province - leaving, you'll have to hunt around stations for the right vehicle. From here, Shengli Lu continues over a couple of junctions and a canal before linking up with Changjiang Lu . This thoroughfare stretches west through the centre, with all essential services in its vicinity: various department stores ; a huge Bank of China (foreign exchange Mon-Fri 8.30am-4.30pm) where you can watch suitcases full of money changing hands over the counter; and a post office (8am-6pm) with telephones, copies of the China Daily, and upstairs Internet bar (A?6 per hour). For information on the rest of the province, various operators are housed in the CITS building southwest of the centre on Meishan Lu - try the friendly and fairly bilingual Sifang Travel Service (tel 0551/2816494, fax 2825465).

Other useful information for tourists (each section contains more specific sub-sections):
