
Airlines CAAC, Xilinguole Lu, is just south of Xinhua Square (Mon-Sat, 8am-9pm; tel 0471/6964103). MIAT (the airline of the Republic of Mongolia; tel 0471/4953250) is in the east of the city next to the Mongolian Consulate and near to the Neimenggu Jiancai Xuexiao (Inner Mongolia Construction Materials College). To reach the MIAT office, take a taxi or ride a #2 bus east to Nongwei bus stop, then walk a little farther east, and a couple of blocks south.

Banks and exchange The easiest place to change money, including travellers' cheques, is inside the Zhaojun Hotel, which changes money for non-guests and offers the same rates as the bank, and it operates at weekends. The head office of the Bank of China (Mon-Fri 8am-noon & 2-5pm, Sat am only) is actually across the road from the hotel.

Bookshops There is a Foreign Language Bookstore on Xilinguole Lu, across the road from Xinhua Square. There is also a branch of Xinhua Bookstore on Zhongshan Lu, across the road from (and a couple of minutes to the south of) the Nationalities Market.

Consulate The Consulate of the Republic of Mongolia (Mon, Tues & Thurs 8.30am-noon; tel 0471/4303254) is in the east of the city, next to the MIAT office. Visas are fairly easy to obtain, though they cost A?500 for a month and may take some time to be issued.

Internet A spanking new and very cheap Internet cafAŠ is upstairs in the Telecom Office, next door to the post office (daily 8am-6pm; A?8 per hour).

Post and telecommunications The main post office (Mon-Sat 8am-7pm) is on the south side of Zhongshan Lu, just east of Xilinguole Lu. The Telecom Centre (8am-6pm) is adjacent, with a small 24-hour office.

PSB In the government building to the south of the junction between Zhongshan Lu and Xilinguole Lu.

Travel agents There are numerous travel agents in town, many of whom will find you before you find them. They nearly all have English-speaking employees, and deal in grassland tours as well as booking train tickets. CTS, in the back building, third floor of the Inner Mongolia Hotel (tel 0471/6964233 ext 8936), has some pleasant, approachable staff. The Tongda Hotel also holds several travel services.

Other useful information for tourists (each section contains more specific sub-sections):
