
Airlines The main CAAC office is at 29 Zhongshan Lu (tel 2870057); there's another office inside the passenger ferry terminal. China Eastern Airlines (tel 2870215) operates out of the Yellow Sea Hotel at 75 Yan'an Yi Lu. It is also possible to book plane tickets in the Huiqian Dynasty Hotel, even if you're not a guest.

Banks and exchange The main Bank of China at 62 Zhongshan Lu (Mon-Fri 8am-noon & 2-5.30pm) doesn't change travellers' cheques. A separate office directly opposite the front of the Catholic Church, with the same hours, deals with money drawn against credit cards and travellers' cheques.

Bookshops The Foreign Language Bookstore on Zhongshan Lu, near the intersection with Jiaozhou Lu, stocks all the usual dusty old novels.

Buses Qingdao's shambolic long-distance bus station is just west of the train station. Yantai is the only interesting destination within easy reach by bus. You buy tickets on the bus.

Internet Internet access, if at extortionate prices, is available from the Shangri-La Hotel, 9 Xiang Gang Zhong Lu.

PSB The PSB is at 29 Hubei Lu (tel 2862787; Mon-Sat 8am-noon & 2-7pm), not far from the train station.

Post and telecommunications The main post office and telecom building is at the northern end of Zhongshan Lu (Mon-Sat 8am-6pm).

Shopping There's an antiques store at 40 Zhongshan Lu and a large Arts and Crafts Centre at the northern end of the road. The Friendship Store is by the ferry terminal, but it's disappointing.

Travel agents CITS is in a separate building at the back of the Huiquan Dynasty Hotel, on Nanhai Lu (tel 2879215). As usual, it caters more for groups than independent travellers, running a "health tour" which includes acupuncture, massage, qi gong and sunbathing, but you can also arrange a brewery tour here (at least ?200 per head, with a minimum of four people required).

Other useful information for tourists (each section contains more specific sub-sections):
