
Airlines CAAC is at 158 Yingze Dong Dajie (Mon-Sat 8am-8pm; tel 4042903).

Banks and exchange The Bank of China is at 55 Yingze Dajie (Mon-Fri 8am-noon & 2.30-6pm, Sat 8.30-noon).

Bike rental Bikes can be rented from a stall (daily 8am-8pm) at the eastern end of Yingze Dajie, opposite the station, for A?5 a day.

Buses Buses to nearby towns, including Pingyao, leave from outside the train station; the long-distance bus station is off Yingze Dajie on the southern side.

Cinema Kung fu violence and mayhem are available at the cinema at 20 Yingze Dajie (A?10).

Internet The telecom office at 213 Yingze Dajie, on the corner of Liugang Lu, has Internet access (daily 8am-6pm).

Post office The white building opposite the train station on the northern side of Yingze Dajie houses an impressively modern and efficient post office (daily 8am-8pm). There's a smaller branch at 215 Yingze Dajie (daily 8am-6pm).

PSB The PSB office is at 9 Houjia Lane (daily 8am-noon & 2.30-5.30pm) on the northeastern corner of Wuyi Square.

Shopping The Friendship Store at 45 Yingze Dajie has the usual selection of jade handicrafts and art materials. For a less predictable, though still pricey selection of souvenirs, try the Arts and Crafts Store at 54 Yingze Dajie, or the Antique Store at 15 Jiefang Lu.

Telephones The telecom office, open 24hr, is at 213 Yingze Dajie, on the corner of Liugang Lu. You can access the Internet daily 8am-6pm.

Trains There's a booking office on the south side of the station, but there are no windows for foreigners. However, the crowds aren't too bad, and heavy police presence and cattle bars ensure disciplined queuing.

Travel agents A friendly office of CTS (daily 8am-noon & 2-6pm, tel 4049270), at 8 Xinjian Nan Lu, offers information and will book tickets. Another office in the Guolu building at 38 Ping Yang Lu (daily 8am-noon & 2.30-6pm; tel 7242162) is well worth the effort to get to, since the helpful English-speaking manager can arrange discounts on accommodation and a variety of excursions. To get there, continue south on Xinjian Nan Lu - the office is on the left-hand side.

Other useful information for tourists (each section contains more specific sub-sections):
