Safety in San JosAŠ

Although San Jose is a relatively safe city, there are dangers: mainly mugging , purse-snatching or jewellery-snatching. It's worth keeping a tight grip on your belongings around the Coca-Cola bus terminal - roughly from C 12 to 16 and between Av 1 and 3 - as well as around the Parque Central, Av 2, and the Plaza de la Cultura. Other dodgy areas, day and night, include C 12 around Av 8 and 10, and Av 4 to 6 and C 4 to 12, just southwest of the centre. If driving in the centre of the city, keep windows rolled up so no one can reach in and snatch your bag.

Also, watch out when crossing the street , anywhere in the city: drivers can be aggressive and accidents involving pedestrians are common.

Other useful information for tourists (each section contains more specific sub-sections):

Costa Rica,
San Jose