
Airline EgyptAir on the Corniche (daily 8am-8pm; tel 097/315-000) and at the airport (tel 097/480-568) near the High Dam, 23km south of town (A?E20 by taxi). Airport police tel 097/480-509.

American Express In the New Cataract (Sun-Thurs 8am-5pm, Fri & Sat 9am-4pm; tel 097/306-983, fax 302-909). No longer does currency exchange, but will hold client mail and organize travel.

Banks Banque Misr (Sun-Thurs 8.30am-9pm) has a cash dispenser (Visa/MasterCard) outside; Banque du Caire (Sun-Thurs 8.30am-2pm & 3-10pm), Bank of Alexandria (Sun-Thurs 8am-2pm) and the National Bank of Egypt (Sun-Thurs 8.30am-2pm) are all on the Corniche, and change currency and travellers' cheques.

Dry-cleaners On the ground floor of the Nubian Oasis Hotel (50pt-A?E6 per item).

Duty Free at the southern end of the Corniche (daily 10am-3pm & 7-12pm). Often poorly stocked and involves the usual shuffling from counter to counter. Alcohol and cigarettes are upstairs.

Foreign newspapers and books Sold on the Corniche near the Horus, Hathor and Philae hotels.

Internet Currently there are three places in Aswan, but all have to wait and connect to a provider in Cairo. Happi Hotel charges A?E50/hr or A?E5 to send or receive an email. Royal Restaurant (above Duty Free) is cheaper at A?E30/hr or A?E2.50 per email, whilst the Rosewan Hotel is A?E60/hr and A?E2 per email.

Medical emergencies The German Evangelical Hospital (tel 097/302-176) near the Police Department will provide treatment and accept insurance payments later, and does check-ups (Mon-Sat 7am-noon & 4-6pm). There is also a public hospital (tel 097/302-855; ambulance tel 123). Both are open 24 hours for emergencies. The tourist office can recommend doctors.

Passport office On the 2nd floor of the Police Department (Sun-Thurs 8am-2pm; tel 097/312-238). Registration all day; visa extensions mornings only.

Pharmacies El-Nile, next to the Banque du Caire on the Corniche (daily 8am-1am, closed 1-5pm on Fridays; tel 097/302-674); Galal, next to the Happi Hotel (daily 7am-3pm & 6-12pm; tel 097/303-011). Others are dotted all over town - ask at your hotel for the nearest.

Photo developing Photo Sabry on the Corniche near EgyptAir (Sat-Thurs 9am-2pm & 6.30-11.30pm, Fri 7-11pm; tel 097/306-452). Sells film.

Post office Main GPO (daily except Fri 8am-2pm) near the Rowing Club; the section for poste restante (Sat-Thurs 9am-2pm) is one block inland behind the Bank of Alexandria. Outward-bound mail arrives quicker if posted from a major hotel.

Telephones International calls can be made from the 24-hour telephone office near EgyptAir, or by using a phonecard in the branch in the station (daily 8am-10pm). It costs less to send a fax at the telephone office than at the Business Centre one block south of the Police Department, or in major hotels. Off-peak rates 8pm-8am.

Thomas Cook On the Corniche near the Police Department (daily 8am-8pm; tel 097/304-011, fax 306-209). Changes money, sells cheques and arranges tours to Abu Simbel.

Other useful information for tourists (each section contains more specific sub-sections):
