Moving on from San Salvador

To get to the airport , Taxis Acacya leave from their office in El Centro at 6am, 7am, 10am and 2pm (about 1hr; US$3). Remember that there is a departure tax (US$28) on international flights.

Scores of companies run domestic buses from a number of different terminals. Heading west , they leave from the Terminal de Occidente on Blvd Venezuela, west of El Centro; all of these also pick up and drop off on the Carretera Interamericana at the BasA­lica de Guadalupe. Buses east and north leave from the Terminal de Oriente on Blvd del EjA©rcito Nacional, east of El Centro. Buses to UsulutA?n, Zacatecoluca, Costa del Sol and San Pedro Nonualco leave from the Terminal del Sur , about 8km from El Centro on the airport highway (city bus #26 from Av EspaA±a, by the Catedral Metropolitana, runs to the terminal). A number of faster " directo " buses, run by various companies, leave from the Terminal de Oriente for cities and towns further east . These are pullman-style, stop less often and are slightly more expensive. For San Miguel and La UniA?n , buses leave every hour on the hour between 6am and 4pm; for Santa Rosa de Lima , they run every hour on the half-hour. Tickets , however - as on standard buses - are not normally bought in advance; to be sure of getting a seat, turn up well before the bus leaves.

Other useful information for tourists (each section contains more specific sub-sections):

El Salvador,
San Salvador