Eating and drinking

The cheapest places to eat are the comedores in El Centro, although the richer suburbs occasionally throw up a few surprises; the Plaza Masferrer has a number of roadside eateries that stay open until quite late, while the unnamed comedor opposite Ay Jalisco restaurant, off the Blvd de los HAİroes, caters to local workers with cheap, quick and good local food. Anywhere in the city, however, you're bound to stumble over a pupusa stall sooner or later, whilst the markets and bus stations are full of stands selling cheap meals and snacks. The Blvd de los HAİroes area has a few good restaurants, while the Paseo EscalA?n and Zona Rosa are more cosmopolitan, with pricey international cuisine - book ahead at weekends. There are numerous international and local fast-food chains throughout the city, although they're mainly concentrated around the Monumento El Salvador del Mundo and along Blvd de los HAİroes . The prices quoted are for an average meal with a beer or juice.

Other useful information for tourists (each section contains more specific sub-sections):

El Salvador,
San Salvador