
Place d'Armes and rue Royale are the main shopping areas in Calais-Nord, with everything from clothes and chocolate to leather and dolls; try Le Vignoble on rue Royale for a good selection of wine. Generally, however, the streets of Calais-Sud - particularly boulevards Jacquard and Lafayette - are a better bet. Prisunic department store, on bd Jacquard, has an acceptable food and wine department. For establishments with a more individual character, try the Comtesse du Barry for foie gras and other such luxury comestibles, or the boulangerie Fred on bd Jacquard opposite the town hall, which, aside from excellent bread, sells takeaway plats and salads. More colourful still are the markets around place d'Armes (Wed & Sat) and bd Lafayette (Thurs & Sat). For seafood , try Huitriere Calaisienne, on bd Lafayette, or Sole Berckoise, in bd Jacquard. The best of the hypermarkets , or grands surfaces , is the Auchan complex on the Boulogne road, the old N1 (Mon-Sat 9am-9pm; bus #5), which gives change in sterling should you wish it; this is closely followed by Le Continent, on the east side of town, on av Georges-Guynenier (daily 9am-9pm; bus #4). Cite Europe, a vast new shopping complex by the Channel Tunnel terminal and just off the A16 in the direction of Boulogne, offers you a large Carrefour as well as high-street clothes shops and food shops all under one roof (Mon-Fri 9am-10pm, Sat 8.30am-10pm; bus #7).

Other useful information for tourists (each section contains more specific sub-sections):
