
The small city of Chartres lies 80km southwest of Paris and the hour-long train journey from Paris brings an immediate reward the moment you approach, when you first see the city's great cathedral rearing up above the River Eure.

Trains run roughly every two hours to Chartres from Paris-Montparnasse (€21.34 return), with a journey time of just under an hour. From the station, avenue J-de-Beauce leads up to place Chatelet. Diagonally opposite, past all the parked coaches, is rue Ste-Meme, which meets place Jean-Moulin. Turn left and you'll find the cathedral, and nearby, on place de la Cathedrale, the tourist office (April-Sept Mon-Sat 9am-7pm, Sun 9.30am-5.30pm; Oct-March Mon-Sat 10am-6pm, Sun 10am-1pm & 2.30-4.30pm; tel

Other useful information for tourists (each section contains more specific sub-sections):
