Arrival and information

Arriving at the gare SNCF , you'll find yourself on the north bank of the Loire: turn right onto avenue David-d'Angers and either take bus #A to the centre or cross the bridge to the island on foot. From the island the old Pont Cessart takes you to the main part of the town on the south bank; the gare routiA?re is in this part of town, a couple of blocks from the Pont Cessart on place St-Nicolas. Saumur's main street, rue d'OrlAŠans, cuts through the south-bank sector from the bridge: the tourist office is next to the bridge on place de la Bilange near the theatre (mid-May to mid-Oct Mon-Sat 9.15am-7pm, Sun 10.30am-12.30pm & 3.30-6.30pm; rest of the year Mon--Sat 9.15am-12.30pm & 2-6pm, Sun 10am-noon; tel, fax, ). The old quarter , around St-Pierre and the castle, is reached by walking two blocks south of the tourist office down rue d'OrlAŠans then following the signs pointing you down rue Dacier to the left.

Other useful information for tourists (each section contains more specific sub-sections):
