Arrival and information

The Hauptbahnhof lies just to the west of the Altstadt and is itself a remarkable sight, a mock palazzo of the 1840s which ranks as the longest-serving main station of any city in the world. Just down the road, at Bahnhofstr. 7, is the tourist office (Mon-Fri 9am-6pm; tel 08 21/50 20 70, fax 5 02 07 45, ). This has a small branch on Rathausplatz (Mon-Fri 9am-6pm, Sat 10am-1pm; May to mid-Oct Sun 10am-1pm). Its most useful leaflet is Augsburg and its Sights ; this includes a trail round sixteen different craft workshops, which are mostly concentrated in the vicinity of the Lech canals. A day ticket on the public transport network is a good investment; it costs DM9/a?¬4.50 for the city, DM19/a?¬9.50 for the whole circuit.

Other useful information for tourists (each section contains more specific sub-sections):
