
The main year-round cultural venue, with a varied programme of drama, opera, dance and music, is the Mainfranken Theater WA?rzburg, Theaterstr. 21 (tel 09 31/3 90 81 24). From the Alter Kranen, cruises are run by two competing companies: Kurth und Schiebe (tel 09 31/5 85 73) and VeitshA¶chhheimer Personenschiffahrt Heinrich Herbert (tel 09 31/5 56 33). By far the most popular trip (DM9/a?¬4.50 single, DM14/a?¬7 return) is downstream to Schloss VeitshA¶chheim (guided tours April to mid-Oct Tues-Sun 9am-6pm; DM3/a?¬1.50), the summer residence of the WA?rzburg prince-bishops, which is set in beautiful formal gardens. Upstream, there are occasional sailings to the fortified towns of Ochsenfurt and Sulzfeld.

Other useful information for tourists (each section contains more specific sub-sections):
