
The bus station in RA©thymnon is by the sea to the west of town just off PeriferiakA?s, the road which skirts the waterfront around the fortress. The tourist office (April-Sept Mon-Fri 8am-7pm; tel 08310/56 350) backs onto the main town beach, close to the mobile post office (summer only). If you arrive by ferry , you'll be more conveniently placed, over at the western edge of the harbour. To access the internet and pick up emails head for the Galero Internet CafA© (a?¬4.50 per hr), beside the RimA?ndi fountain in the old town or CafA©-Bar Internet , PlatA­a Martiron 4, near the Porta Guora on the south edge of the old town (a?¬1.20 per 15min) or - between the two - User Computer Shop, Ethnikis Andistaseos 83, has similar rates.

Other useful information for tourists (each section contains more specific sub-sections):
