Information, websites and maps

The main visitor centre is the Grenada Board of Tourism , located on the cruise-ship dock in St George's (t473/440-2279, fax 440-6637, ); you'll find it well-stocked with brochures and maps. There is also an information booth at the airport, just before immigration, and one at the Craft and Spice Market on Grand Anse Beach. The Grenada Hotel and Tourism Association in St George's (PO Box 440, tel 473/444-1353, fax 444-4847, ) can help book accommodation. On Carriacou the main tourist office is in Hillsborough on Patterson Street.

Adequate, free maps - including one that details a historic walking tour of St George's - are available at tourist offices and many hotels. A detailed Ordnance Survey map can be purchased for EC$15 from hotels and tourist shops.

Other useful information for tourists (each section contains more specific sub-sections):
