Orientation and information

Situated on the eastern edge of the Ngarai Sianok Canyon and with the mountains of Merapi and Singgalang rising to the south, Bukittinggi spreads for several kilometres in each direction into adjoining suburbs, before fading into open fields. However, the central part of town is relatively compact and easy to negotiate. The most useful landmark is the clock tower just south of the market area at the junction of Jalan A Yani (the main thoroughfare) and Jalan Sudirman (the main road leading out of town to the south). Jalan A Yani, 1km from north to south, is the tourist hub of Bukittinggi, with most hotels, restaurants and shops. The tourist office is at Jl Syech Bantam 1 (Mon-Thurs 8am-2pm, Fri 8-11am, Sat 8am-12.30pm; tel 0752/22403), near the clock tower.

Other useful information for tourists (each section contains more specific sub-sections):
