
Banks and exchange There are ATMs for Visa, MasterCard and Cirrus Maestro at Bank Central Asia (BCA), Jl Sudirman 1 and Jl Diponegoro 183. Visa cash advances are available at Bank Bali diagonally opposite the Matahari department store on Jl Dewi Sartika (tel 0361/261678), or at Jl Sulawesi 1 (tel 0361/261684), and at Bank Duta, Jl Hayam Wuruk 165 (tel 0361/226578).

Embassies and consulates Most foreign embassies are based in Jakarta , but residents of Australia, Canada, Great Britain, Ireland and New Zealand should apply for help in the first instance to Bali's Australian consulate, which is at Jl Moh Yamin 51 in Renon (tel 0361/235092). The US consulate is at Jl Hayam Wuruk 188 in Renon (tel 0361/233605).

Hospitals and clinics Sanglah Public Hospital, at Jl Kesehatan Selatan 1, Sanglah (five lines tel 0361/227911-5; bemos from Denpasar's Kereneng bemo station), is the main provincial public hospital, with the island's most efficient emergency ward and Bali's only divers' decompression chamber. Kasih Ibu at Jl Teuku Umar 120 (tel 0361/223036) is a private hospital and fine for minor ailments, but not equipped for emergencies. Klinik SOS Gatotkaca at Jl Gatotkaca 21 (tel 0361/223555) is open 24hr and staffed by English-speakers.

Immigration office At the corner of Jl Panjaitan and Jl Raya Puputan, Renon (Mon-Thurs 8am-3pm, Fri 8-11am, Sat 8am-2pm; tel 0361/227828; Sanur-Tegal bemo).

Internet access The cheapest and fastest place in Bali is Wasantara Net (Mon-Sat 8am-8pm), at the back of the GPO compound in Renon (Sanur-Tegal bemo route).

Pharmacies Inside Tiara Dewata department store on Jl Sutoyo, Matahari department store on Jl Dewi Sartika, and Hero Supermarket on Jl Teuku Umar. Also, Apotik Kimia Farma at Jl Diponegoro 123.

Police There are police stations on Jl Pattimura and Jl Diponegoro.

Post offices Denpasar's poste restante (Mon-Sat 8am-8pm; Sanur-Tegal bemo) is at the GPO on Jl Raya Puputan in Renon. The Jl Rambutan PO, near Puputan Square, is more convenient.

Telephone services Telkom offices at Jl Teuku Umar 6, and on Jl Durian. IDD phones in the Tiara Dewata Department Store on Jl Sutoyo; Home Country Direct phone at the Bali Museum.

Other useful information for tourists (each section contains more specific sub-sections):
