Moving on from Surabaya

Surabaya is the main air, sea, rail and road hub for East Java and has excellent connections across Indonesia and internationally. Some international flight destinations are reached direct, while others have connections via Jakarta or Denpasar , for airlines offices in Surabaya . There are numerous domestic flights. Taxis from Gubeng station taxi rank to the airport are fixed at Rp25,000.

Tanjung Perak port is the major port in East Java, and no fewer than fifteen of the fleet of twenty-three Pelni ferries call here on their routes through the archipelago: KM Binaiya, KM Bukit Raya, KM Bukit Siguntang, KM Dibonsolo, KM Kambuna, KM Kelimutu, KM Kerinci, KM Lambelu, KM Leuser, KM Pangrango, KM Rinjani, KM Tidar, KM Tilongkabila, KM Wilis and KM Umsini. The main Pelni office is at Jl Pahlawan 112 (Mon-Thurs 9am-noon & 1-3pm, Fri-Sat 9am-noon; tel 031/3523462), and there's another one at Tanjung Perak, at Gedung Gapura Surya, Jl Zamrut Utara 5 (tel 031/3293197).

Trains from Gubeng station go to Banyuwangi, Malang, Yogyakarta, Solo and Jakarta via the southern route across Java - some but not all of these trains also pass through Kota station, which is towards the north of the city centre. The entrance to Kota is at the junction of Jalan Semut Kali and Jalan Stasiun. Pasarturi station serves destinations along the northern route across the island to Jakarta via Semarang.

For bus journeys within East Java , just buy your ticket on the bus, but be wary of overcharging. You will pay Rp100 to get into the departure area - the bays are clearly labelled. Long-distance journeys are completed by night buses (departing 2-6pm) from Bay 8 - the ticket offices for all the night-bus companies are in the bus station; book ahead. If you can't bear the slog out to the bus station, central minibus companies run more expensive daily trips to the main Javan destinations, leaving from their offices. Try Tirta Jaya, Jalan Jend Basuki Rachmat 64 (tel 031/5468687) for Yogya and Solo.

Other useful information for tourists (each section contains more specific sub-sections):
