When to go

Ireland's climate, determined by the pressure-systems of the Atlantic, is notoriously variable, and cannot be relied upon at any time of the year. Each year produces weeks of beautiful weather - the problem lies in predicting when they are likely to arrive. In recent years late spring and early autumn have seen some of the best of the weather, with May and September as the most pleasant months.

Geographically, the southeast is the driest and sunniest part of the country, and the northwest is the wettest. But regional variations are not particularly pronounced, the overall climate being characterized by its mildness - the country benefiting from the warming effects of the Gulf Stream. Even in the wetter zones, mornings of rain are frequently followed by afternoons of blue sky and sun - and besides, a downpour on a windswept headland can be exhilarating, and provides as good a pretext as any for repairing to the local pub, the hub of Irish social activity

Other useful information for tourists (each section contains more specific sub-sections):
