Opening hours

Business and shop opening hours in both Northern Ireland and the Republic are very similar to Britain's: approximately 9am to 5.30pm, Monday to Saturday. Many places in the towns stay open until 8pm or later on Thursdays and Fridays and most now open on Sundays from around noon until 6pm. The midweek half-day closing tradition survives in some of the smaller towns though even then you're likely to find somewhere open.

In the Republic, however, particularly away from the bigger towns, hours are more approximate, with later opening and closing times. In rural areas you can generally find someone to sell you groceries at any reasonable hour, even if they have to open their shop to do it - and very often the village shop doubles as the local pub. On the main public holidays , outside the cities virtually everything will be closed except the garages and pubs. Should St Patrick's Day or Orange Day happen to fall on a Saturday or Sunday, the holiday is carried over to the Monday.

There's no pattern to the opening and closing of museums, archeological sites and the like, though many close altogether for at least one day a week. Wherever possible, hours and prices are listed in the guide. The bigger attractions will normally be open throughout the day, while smaller places may open only in the afternoon. Many sites away from the main tourist trails - especially houses or castles which are also private homes - are open only during the peak summer months.

Churches, at least if they're still in use, are almost always open, and if they're locked there's usually someone living nearby (often the priest) who will have the keys; otherwise, opening times will follow religious activity fairly closely

Other useful information for tourists (each section contains more specific sub-sections):
