
Buses stop in Main Street which runs down to the square where you will find the tourist office (April-May & Sept to mid-Oct Mon-Sat 9.15am-1pm & 2.15-5.30pm; June-Aug Mon-Sat 9am-6pm, Sun 9.15am-1pm & 2.15-5.30pm; tel 064/41233). The heritage centre next door (April, May & Sept to mid-Oct Mon-Sat 9.15am-1pm & 2.15-5pm; June-Aug Mon-Sat 9am-5.30pm, Sun 9.15am-1pm & 2.15-5pm) has a wealth of detail on the history of Kenmare, particularly on the lace-making industry that was introduced here by the Church during the nineteenth century. Rather less engaging is the photograph of Margaret Thatcher that grimaces at you on the way in - apparently the former British Prime Minister is fiercely proud to have descended from a Kenmare washerwoman.

Bike rental is available from the FA?ilte Hostel , Finnegan's on Henry St, and White's on Killarney Rd. If you want to see Kenmare from the water, Seafari River Cruises (tel 064/83171) depart from the pier three times a day in high season.

Other useful information for tourists (each section contains more specific sub-sections):
