Arrival and information

Getting here is easy. Buses connect regularly with surrounding towns - especially Perugia - putting down and picking up in Piazza Matteotti, in the east of the town above the duomo. In addition, one bus a day leaves for Rome and two for Florence, from Piazza UnitA  d'Italia. There are hourly trains to Foligno (via Spello) and Terontola (via Perugia), with connecting half-hourly bus services between the town and the station, which is 5km away to the south-west of the centre. The staff at the tourist office , currently housed in Piazza del Comune to the left of the Tempio di Minerva (Mon-Sat 8am-2pm & 3.30-6.30pm; Sun 9am-1pm; tel 075.812.534), do their best to help with accommodation and provide some useful maps and pamphlets. You can go online at Bar del Corso , Via Corso Mazzini, (tel 075.812.989; daily 8am-10pm; L12,000/a?¬9.30 per hr).

Other useful information for tourists (each section contains more specific sub-sections):
