Arrival, information and city transport

Bologna's train station (enquiries tel 147.888.088, 7am-9pm) lies on the edge of the city centre at Piazza delle Medaglie d'Oro, near Porta Galliera; all long-distance buses terminate at the bus station , next door on Piazza XX Settembre. Bus #25 connects the train station and Piazza del Nettuno, the city centre. The airport (enquiries tel 051.647.9615) is northwest of the centre, linked to the train station by the Aerobus (L7000/a?¬3.62), which runs approximately every twenty minutes and takes around twenty-five minutes if the traffic is reasonably light.

There are tourist offices at the airport (daily 8am-8pm; tel 051.647.2036), at the train station (Mon-Sat 9am-7pm; tel 051.251.947), and a main office in the Palazzo d'Accursio at Piazza Maggiore 6 (Mon-Sat 8.30am-7pm, Sun 8.30am-2pm; tel 051.246.541, ).

Once you're in the city centre, the best way to get around is on foot: a leisurely stroll downtown beneath some of the 25 miles of porticoes that link together the compact centro storico is most appealing. Buses (enquiries tel 051.245.400) are fast and frequent; tickets cost L1800/a?¬0.93 each from tabacchi , newsstands or ticket machines and are valid on as many buses as you like within one hour (or buy a Citypass, valid for seven journeys, for L14,000/a?¬7.23). You can get information from the booth at the junction of Via Delle Lame and Via G. Marconi or the "Via Libera" office at Piazza Galvani 4c (daily 7am-8pm; tel 051.290.290). For taxis , call 051.372.727 or 051.534.141.

Other useful information for tourists (each section contains more specific sub-sections):
